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![]() ![]() The Panther Page!Translated from Encyclopędia Britannica to German with Langenscheidt's T1 4.0 Probeübersetzung and then translated back to English with Altavistas Babelfish (partly funny) | ||
Leopardin former times Pard, or Pardus, also Panther mentioned, (Leo Pardus) large cat near related to the lion, tiger, and other large members of the cat family (Felidae). The name leopard originally to given the cat called now cheetah the so-called leopard which pursuing was as soon as meant that one a cross had been between the lion and pard. The term pard was finally replaced by the name leopard. The leopard is found over near the whole one northeast from the Africa south of the Sahara, in Africa, and from Asia beside subject by central Asia and India to China and Manchuria. It varies much in size and markings. The average size is excluded from 50 to 90 kilograms (110 to 200 Pound) in weight, 210 centimeters (84 tariffs), the 90-cm tail, length, and 60 to 70 cm in schulterhoehe. The leopard can become however much larger. The soil color is typically yellowish above and white under. Dark marks are arranged generally in rosetten over vielem of the body and are without the central point characteristic of the coat of the Jaguar (q.v.); the soil color within the rosetten is sometimes more darkly yellow, and the size and distance of the marks vary much. As a result of these differences in samples some running leopards were called. The leopard is forstet only one animal of the shrubs and up and is mainly nocturnal in habit, although sometimes it suns itself in the sun. It is a speedy mountain climber and stores frequently the remnants of its toetungen in the branches of a tree. It feeds it on animals can overwhelm you, from small rodents after waterbuck, but generally booty on the smaller and medium sized Antilopen and deer; a special affection for dogs appears as food and in Africa for paviane to have. It takes sometimes livestocks and can an attack make for humans. There is no certain breeding season; the female produces three from two to four, usually, boy after one pregnancy period of approximately three months. The calls of the leopard vary and close a series of hard coughs in, rough Knurren, and deeply, schnurrend sounds. The animal carries forward, finished too waessern, and is a good float. A black form, in which the gemahlene color, just as the marks, is black, far as the black Panther known; it is more community in that far eastern than in other parts of the range of the leopard. As of the Barbary a running, southern admitted Arab, to Anatolian, Amur, and Sinai leopards are listed as endangered in the red date book. The large, or thundering, Cats The lion, tiger, leopard, Jaguar, Unze, (or snow leopard) and cloudy sometimes put in the kind Panthera. The ounce and colluded leopard (qq.v.), although leopards are mentioned, of Leo Pardus characteristic species. |
Pumaalso American lion, Puma, deer tiger, Mexican lion, Panther, painter, mountain, called lion, or Catamount (Felis Concolor), large, graceful cat, family Felidae, in size only near exceeded the Jaguar under cats of the new world. The Namenspuma is derived from use of the Inka Indian. The Puma varies far from British Columbia after Patagonia in habitats as different as mountains, deserts, and jungle. In many regions however inhabitant or subspecies races is been eliminated from humans, and Pumas are now generally limited to Wildnisgebiete. The eastern Puma (F. Concolor Concolor-Puma) of North America and the Florida Puma (F. concolor coryi) of southern United States are considered endangered. A far set of colouring exists under Pumas, from pale connoisseur to red-brown. The ears and tail point are generally dark, while the Buerzel and belly are white. There is no maehne. The weight of the adult varies from approximately 35 to more than 100 kg (77 to 220 Pound). A large male can be over 3 m (9 feet) long, one thirdly of the tail is large, and can 60-75 cm (24-30 tariffs) at the shoulder. The female is smaller. The voice of the Pumas is like a domestic cat except louder; its Begattungsanruf is hard cries. Brood arises at time of year, the female usually basic recent every other year. One strew exists of to five gefleckten after one pregnancy period of approximately 90 days born kaetzchen. The young is spielerisch and to follow the female after hunts in over two months begin. Sex-ripe is reached on two or three years. The Puma eats a substantial set of foods; in North America it proves a preference for deer, if they are available. From time to time it kills livestocks, but when with other raubtieren it is valuable, if it maintains the balance of nature near population of over of booty animals prevents. The Puma is pursued for earnest or for sport, of such means as dogs, traps, and open pits. Although attacks on people are still rarely, led growth resident construction in Wildnisgebieten to an increase in Pumaangriffe in the 1990ern. |